Hello! My name is Anthony Reynolds.

Front End Developer from Middletown, Delaware.

My Portfolio


Todos List

Todos List
React Exercise

A simple React app where the user clicks on a todo item and is taken to another page displaying that todo's information. This app showcases the use of fecthing APIs in react using the useEffect hook, as well as the useState hook to store the information.

material ui

Material UI Design
React App

This app is a mockup online marketplace for coffee makers. There are six cards displaying different information about various coffee makers. This app displays the use of Material UI and JS React working together to create an organized and efficient website design.


Guess The Word

Guess The Word Game
JavaScript Exercise

My project "Guess The Word" is simple in concept. There is a random word the player must guess the letters to. They have 8 guesses and every new game that is started, a new random word is selected for the player to guess.

blackjack game

Blackjack Game
JavaScript Exercise

This is another JavaScript focused project that simulates a game of Blackjack. The user plays against the dealer and aims to get as close to 21 as possible. This project was a lot of fun to make and helped me sharpen my JavaScript skills.


Facebook Clone Website

Facebook Clone
HTML & CSS Website Design

For this project, I set out to create a clone of Facebook's homepage. Using mainly flexbox, I was able to design my clone in a similar fashion to Facebook's real homepage, while at the same time adding my own styles.

Recipe Collection Website

Recipe Collection
HTML & CSS Exercise

This project displays three recipes, including the prep time, cook time, total time, ingredients and directions for each recipe. This project is heavily CSS focused and was a great way for me to hone in on my styling skills.

About Me

Picture of Me

Welcome! I am a front end developer from Middletown, Delaware. Please refrain from the classic "Dela-where?" jokes. We are very aware of how small of a state we are!

All jokes aside, I graduated from the University of Delaware with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Philosophy. Website development is a passion I discovered during the COVID pandemic. While on lockdown I took the initiative to grow my skill set and learn how to code, and I could not be happier with my decision. I discovered that a career in tech was perfect for me.

At the moment I am proficient in HTML, CSS, Git, JavaScript and React, but I am continuing to learn new languages and skills every day. I have the ability to learn new concepts quickly and I am persistent when working on any project so it turns out the absolute best it can be. I pride myself on my work ethic, punctuality and ability to work well with others. The opportunity to better myself each and every day is what drives me.

Thank you for checking out my website and I am looking forward to working with you!

Skills & Tools

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • FTP & Web Hosting
  • Git and Github
  • Version Control
  • Flexbox
  • Media Queries
  • Responsive Websites
  • APIS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • ES6
  • JSX
  • Managing Data Flow

Let's Connect

Let's Meet

Middletown, DE
Let me know if you're in the area!